God doesn't hate you book

Why god doesn t hate you is the result of transgender roman catholic consecrated maiden tia michelle pesandos extensive theological research, and it brings to light several startling truths. The more you hate yourself, the more you will try to please and impress the. I know you say god cares about us but i havent seen any evidence of it in my life. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Hate can attempt to get under our skin and either make us believe outright lies about who god says we are, or turn towards another to claim. First, it seems totally inconsistent with the idea that god is love. We cannot say by the way that god is a preeminently peerless stinkercontrary to the charge of dr. To understand why this question is so important, click here. Sin separates us from our father and his son bridges that. Why wont god heal amputees wwgha is a website that challenges the notions that prayeranswering gods exist.

The idea behind god hates you, hate him back is a good one basically werleman steps through the books of the bible providing colorcommentary on the many atrocities found therein as well as a body count tally of those god murders. Dont listen to any gospel that is quick to tell you how much god hates you, but slow to tell you how much he loves you. How should christians respond to gay friends or family members. For those who think atheism is a religion, consider that by the same logic, not playing baseball is a sport. The book like the one he ridicules is broken into two sections old and new testaments. The lord god has sworn by himselfthe lord, the god of hosts, has declared. The writer of proverbs points the finger straight at our hearts and our sinful thought processes. When an atheist says god doesnt exist, or denies him, or works hard to disprove his existence, he is behaving in a manner that is consistent with what he believes. Well, in the case of godhatred, this principle doesnt hold because the phenomenon does. Came flooding out in a broken whisper that shook my entire world. The tears had now been joined by sobs and snot what i like to call proper crying was now in full swing.

If you want to really know what it means to be loved by god, and i mean really know it, it couldnt be easier. God does not hate anyone first, it is important for christian teens to understand that god does not hate anyone. Lucifer was the prime angel whose beauty was perfect and wisdom was so full. Thats not to say it doesnt matter, but to say that perhaps god doesnt care which option we choose nearly as much as we think he does. Its wednesday night, and im helping our kids get their shoes on, jackets on, and bibles ready as were about to rush to church. Sharing gods word if that word speaks against lgbt sexuality is hate. When he cried out, my god, my god, why have you forsaken me. Oct 04, 2019 thats not to say it doesnt matter, but to say that perhaps god doesnt care which option we choose nearly as much as we think he does. People who would say that are just plain wrong and have obviously not heard that sin is sin no matter what the issue. Why god doesnt hate you is the result of transgender roman catholic consecrated maiden tia michelle pesandos extensive theological research, and it brings to light several startling truths. Apr 07, 2014 this book by tia michelle pesando, why god doesnt hate you is a powerful and moving journey of a transwoman. Apr 23, 2016 i mean, let god hate if he wants to hate, and he hates evil and he hates idolatry and he hates paganism and so he hates esau. The religion we inherit from the book of common prayer will not allow that god creates the greater part of humanity only in order to condemn them to damnation, calvins notion that he predestines some to heaven and others to hell, or as william blake. A loving god wouldnt send people to hell evangelism.

It was truly incredible and i have so much to say about it i wish i could actually just send everyone a howler containing the entire script of this book instead. God hates you, hate him back makes the ultimate case for the claim that the god of the bible is the most wicked character in the pages of history. And thats exactly what god wants to do in your life. If you want to really know what it means to be loved by god, and i mean really know it, it couldn t be easier. Transgender woman seeks to become roman catholic nun and pens book why god doesnt hate you. In some varieties of polytheism, it was considered possible to inflict punishment on gods by ceasing to worship them. Solomon answers the question in the book of proverbs. The seven things god hates are the sins that deal with the deep heart motives of the individual. I was shocked because even though i knew i was angry, i also knew i was. Ive given up on god because he doesnt seem to care about me. Brave doesnt mean youre not scared, starrs mother tells her. Whats more, it uses the creationists mostcited source to do it. God being a holy god has no choice but to cast lucifer into the lake of fire, because.

Here are 5 possible reasons you are struggling to hear the voice of god. Such an assertion of gods infinite stinkiness is an amusing bit of rhetoric, but it does not in the least follow logically from the given philosophical. Mar 02, 2020 love is stronger than hate because god is love god is the source of love and infinitely powerful which automatically gives love the upper hand. I hate you god four words that changed my life for the. God is the only infinite and allpowerful being who exists. He has never had any hatred in his heart towards you. Why god doesnt hate you by tia michelle pesando 2014. Satan has a proper function he is the angel of death, without him the earth would be overrun with life very quickly.

He doesnt curse god, but he curses the day he was born. In the truth of gods word, we find that the lord has provided one way by which we may be saved. I highly recommend this book for all laity, religious, and clergy of all faiths, including deists, agnostics, and atheists. Even if you are a god believer, jew or christian, this is a book you will use as a reference in your own personal theological debates. But we can promise that we will wisely use every penny you entrust to us to preach the gospel to as many people as possible. New living translation no one can serve two masters. If god is anywhere, and the majority of people on the planet believe he is, then he as it states, loves his. First john for tonight is our study as we turn to the truth of gods word, 1 john chapter 2, verses 15 through 17. Hate him back really does put the fun back into the bible. These six things the lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to him. God doesn t hate anyone, don t let people try and teach you that god hates anyone. If you would like to jump straight to the book s climax, click here.

I mean, let god hate if he wants to hate, and he hates evil and he hates idolatry and he hates paganism and so he hates esau. I hustle them out the door, tell corina were waiting for her in the car, and then load them into the van. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. This book has made me feel every single possible emotion at the same time. Go to bible study for your age group, learn and love. Because republican doesnt automatically mean christian, and just because you call some people blind, doesnt automatically give you vision. No friend, boyfriend, wife, or mother will ever make you feel the way god can with just his love for you. Misotheism is the hatred of god or hatred of the gods in some varieties of polytheism, it was. When you cant handle the hate, practice compassion. Hating yourself forever and ever and be gods perfect fucking snowflake.

Why does it build huge churches, but fails to feed the poor. It says that you are all alone, that no one loves you, that god doesnt care, that you will never feel any different, and you cannot go on another day. Jun 11, 2014 when i started writing my new book, god and the gay christian, i was well aware that christians who oppose samesex marriage in the church have long used the bible to defend their point of view. When youre reading books like the hate u give, youre reading someones decision against silence. May 11, 2019 you may wonder whether christians will accept you if you are gay or you may wonder how you should behave towards people you believe are gay or lesbian. He even compares himself to the biblical god in one way, claiming to hate the. Does god hate satan or does he still love him as his child. There have been countless number of analysis of the bible but none as entertaining as this, certainly in our opinion. When an atheist says god doesn t exist, or denies him, or works hard to disprove his existence, he is behaving in a manner that is consistent with what he believes. When i started writing my new book, god and the gay christian, i was well aware that christians who oppose samesex marriage in the church have. To explain her perspective, she wrote a book called why god doesnt hate you, which uses biblical evidence and is currently available on amazon. God doesnt hate anyone, dont let people try and teach you that god hates anyone.

I wrote a 2 billion 300 thousand page instruction manual just to make you and that took a lot of time and effort. Although lucifer turned against god later, god still loved him. This is in line with our lord jesus christs elaboration of the ten commandments during his sermon on the mount matthew 5. Even worse are the people who say, youre being unfair to god. Why i hate religion, but love jesus jezeraes book of. Love is stronger than hate because god is love god is the source of love and infinitely powerful which automatically gives love the upper hand. What if god doesnt care a whole lot about how you educate. In your book you say that its time for christians to own the issue of homosexuality. When i started writing my new book, god and the gay christian, i was well aware that christians who oppose samesex marriage in the church have long used the bible to defend their point of view.

At least, maybe god doesnt care which option we choose as long as we choose on the basis of conviction and then make sure that we dont act as if that choice alone will make or break our children. The day of the lord 20 will not the day of the lord be darkness and not light, even gloom with no brightness in it. I cant even begin to list all the problems i havemoney, health, job, family tensions, you name it. God does not exist, and i hate him so much that i will devote my. Apr 07, 2014 why god doesnt hate you is the result of transgender roman catholic consecrated maiden tia michelle pesandos extensive theological research, and it brings to light several startling truths. This book has helped me to understand what borderline personality disorder bpd is in a way i never understood before. Describing the old testament, there are some occasionally amusing. I cannot stand the stench of your solemn assemblies. Likewise, when an atheist speaks against god by accusing him of immorality, then he is displaying his disdain for god. When i started writing my new book, god and the gay christian, i was well aware that christians who oppose samesex marriage in the church. If were really honest with ourselves, we all have a little selfloathing going on from.

I was feeling feelings and acting in ways i couldnt understand. The site consists of an online book and a forum in which visitors are invited to discuss topics raised by the book. He bore real agony, bled real blood, died real death. This book absolutely crucifies the argument for a ben. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. If god is love, wouldnt god find a way to bring people everlasting joy and life instead.

Christian teens may ask, does god hate lgbtq folks. And thats why i have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only. Mar 06, 2012 its wednesday night, and im helping our kids get their shoes on, jackets on, and bibles ready as were about to rush to church. Regarding her book, pesando told london community news. Yet the first sentence of the collect for ash wednesday shows that the calvinist spirit did not prevail. Neil degrasse tyson even said so on the cosmos reboot. If religion is so great, why has it started so many wars. This book by tia michelle pesando, why god doesnt hate you is a powerful and moving journey of a transwoman. He loves you so much that he wants you to spend all eternity with him in heaven.

The passionate love in gods heart for you has never changed. Why god doesnt hate you by tia michelle pesando balboa press. And he made this possible by sending his only son into the world to take away your sin. God doesnt hate gay people you hate gay people god doesnt love america you love america im reza aslan ive spent most of my adult life studying the way people view god i even wrote a book about it throughout human history religion has been a force both for boundless good and for unspeakable evil everything thats good or bad about our religions is merely a reflection of everything thats. So when someone tells you that god hates fags you can know in an instant that you are talking to the father of lies, because that god does not exist. Why would you trust a god that doesnt give us the right book. You may wonder whether christians will accept you if you are gay or you may wonder how you should behave towards people you believe are gay or lesbian.

A chosen people who think everyone who doesnt believe in their god will go. All this he saw coming from afar, and he accepted it on our behalf. A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one. This book absolutely crucifies the argument for a benevolent creator. Ive given up on god because he doesnt seem to care about. Nothing can alter, diminish or destroy that reality. Tells single moms god doesnt love them if theyve ever been divorced. A christian nursery worker who was sacked for telling a lesbian colleague that homosexuality is a sin wins a discrimination claim against her employer. Dawkinsbecause stinkiness is a privation of a good. Or, the lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence psalm 11. If you would like to start at the beginning with a gentle introduction, click here.

Jul 16, 2014 despite opposing views, pesando feels that her faith supports love and acceptance for people who are transgender like her. And weve titled this particular study, the love god hates. No longer should we feel the need to choose between science and faith, or between religion and our own understanding of what is right and wrong. Misotheism is the hatred of god or hatred of the gods from the greek adjective misotheos hating the gods or godhating a compound of hatred and. Second, is it really fair for finite mistakes or bad choices in this life to result in everlasting eternal punishment. The angels are all kingdoms beyond humanity the kingdoms of the earth. The bible even goes as far as to tell us that god is love. Ive been in the tv and video production industry for over 30 years, says the book s author, david murrow. Even your spouse and children dont seem like a reason to stay alive when depression is at its worst. Transgender woman seeks to become roman catholic nun. Despite opposing views, pesando feels that her faith supports love and acceptance for people who are transgender like her. I abhor jacobs pride and detest his citadels, so i will deliver up the city and everything in it.